A challenging nesting season for our owls
29 July 2023
Poor weather conditions during summer have led to big challenges for our nesting owls. We understand that for some of our viewers, it can be concerning to see the chicks alone in the owl tower for prolonged periods of time, and so in this blog update, our resident owl expert explains what has been going on.
Prey is very scarce this year for Lincolnshire’s barn owls. It is the worst year in living memory and this is borne out by what is happening at the Len Pick Trust nest.
Only two chicks hatched and the youngest died earlier this month. The adult male has disappeared and so the female is doing all the hunting, but she visits every night, usually when most webcam viewers are asleep so it’s easy to assume she has disappeared.
Last night she fed the chick at midnight, but whether the owlet can survive on a reduced diet is unsure.
The wet weather conditions have led to a poor harvest for Lincolnshire’s farmers – and remarkably, this affects our owl chick’s chances of survival. When combine harvesters are in the fields, this drives mice and voles out of the ground and makes them easier for the owls to catch, providing food to feed their chicks. If the combines can get out soon then there will be plenty of mice available, but that of course is weather dependant.
The camera is monitored regularly by our owl experts, and it has always been the Len Pick Trust’s policy never to interfere with nature whatever the circumstances, and we hope that our owl towers provide a safe home for nesting owls. These are wild birds, and will have good and bad years depending on prey availability.

Providing Grants for the benefit of Bourne.
Len Pick Trust, 5 Granby Court, Bourne, Lincs PE10 9AD Tel: (01778) 218090
Registered Charity No. 1106598 The Len Pick Trust © 2022
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