Apply for a Grant
What grants are available
Grant Under £1,000 - This form can be used for a grant application of £1000 or less.
Grant Over £1,000 - This form can be used for a grant application of over £1,000. We request some more detailed information about your organisation and project when applying for this grant.
Please note that we do not award grants directly to individuals. Grant applications will only be considered from local community organisations.
Awarding a grant
- Every grant must be for the benefit of the townspeople of Bourne - including Dyke, Cawthorpe and Twenty.
- Grants are only payable to registered charities, and local community organisations and certain other support groups who can assist individuals with small hardship grants.
- The Trustees are unable to support applications for projects that replace actual or potential funding from any government, local government, health authority or any other statutory agency.
- Once awarded; and at the end of any 12 month period, an Evaluation form has to be completed.
How the Charity considers an application
The Trust meets on a monthly basis and all eligible applications are put before the Trustees. Every application is evaluated and any subsequent queries arising are followed up as required.
Smaller grants of up to £1000 may, at our discretion, be approved before a full meeting of trustees.
Apply for a grant online
Please use the links below to download the relevant PDF form. We recommend using Adobe Reader, which can be downloaded from here, to complete your submission.
On each form please ensure that you have filled in all sections and that you have enclosed all the documents requested.
If you would like clarification or any guidance regarding whether your organisation would qualify for a grant then please contact the Len Pick Trust on (01778) 218090 or e-mail [email protected].

Providing Grants for the benefit of Bourne.
Len Pick Trust, 5 Granby Court, Bourne, Lincs PE10 9AD Tel: (01778) 218090
Registered Charity No. 1106598 The Len Pick Trust © 2022
Website built by MK Web - Web Design in Bourne & Stamford