About Len Pick
Len - The Business Man
Thomas Leonard Pick was a very well-known and much respected Bourne farmer and local businessman - better known to all as simply, Len.
Educated at Bourne Grammar School he left at the young age of 14 to join the family firm of coal merchants. His shrewd business acumen rapidly developed, taking full charge of the management responsibilities within two short years. Subsequently he also came to spearhead the successful family wholesale potato merchant business.
Eventually Len also took over the reins of the family farm which he rapidly expanded to become a major local landowner.
Len finally retired in the early 1970’s.
Len - The Person
Having married his childhood sweetheart, Freda, in 1935 they enjoyed 56 blissful years together until her death in 1991.
Len was extremely passionate about his home town and all its workings. Elected to the then Bourne Urban District Council in 1936, he became its youngest ever Councillor at just 27. He remained a member for Bourne until 1948; only relinquishing his position due to the many demands and pressures imposed upon his time by his extensive business commitments.
It is well documented that Len was an avid, lifelong supporter of Bourne Town Football Club, both financially and vocally. He was equally passionate about the Bourne Pigeon Club. Much less well known - and totally in keeping with his character - was his continual and very discreet support of many other town organisations and charitable causes; most notably being the Outdoor Swimming Pool.
Len was one of those larger than life characters. His highly developed sense of humour was equally matched by an almost encyclopaedic knowledge of the town, its inhabitants and notable characters.
Very much a man of his times he staunchly adhered to a firm set of values; which today some might sadly consider to be outmoded or even irrelevant. With a reputation as a hard but fair taskmaster, Len expected everyone to match his own high standards. But above all he was a man totally respected by all those with whom he came into contact.

Len - His Legacy
Len died suddenly at Peterborough District Hospital on the 29th January 2004 aged 94, regrettably without having had any family. Through his endeavours Len had become very prosperous and he was therefore of a mind that his substantial estate should be put to good use for the benefit of the town that he loved so much.
Accordingly he decreed that on his death the Charitable Trust that now very proudly bears his name was to be formed. Its mission is to continue to undertake his wishes, thus ensuring that the town which was his home continues to benefit from his philanthropy and benefaction.

Providing Grants for the benefit of Bourne.
Len Pick Trust, 5 Granby Court, Bourne, Lincs PE10 9AD Tel: (01778) 218090
Registered Charity No. 1106598 The Len Pick Trust © 2022
Website built by MK Web - Web Design in Bourne & Stamford